Integrating investment and sustainability expertise
Executive Team

Sam Adams
Chief Executive Officer
Vert Asset Management

Sarah Adams
Chief Sustainability Officer
Vert Asset Management

Dennis Mason
Chief Compliance Officer
Vert Asset Management
Investment Research Group
Vert works with experts to build products with strong empirical foundations in academic research. The Group’s ESG research drives a disciplined rules-based process to deliver funds that achieve investor’s twin goals of sustainability and market rates of return.

Sam Adams
Chief Executive Officer
Vert Asset Management

Gary Pivo
University of Arizona

Franz Fuerst
Associate Professor
University of Cambridge
Portfolio Management Team
The sub-advisor is Dimensional Fund Advisors LP. Dimensional is a global investment firm that has been translating academic research into practical investment solutions since 1981. Dimensional has global assets under management of $584 billion as of December 31, 2022.

Jed S. Fogdall
Head of Portfolio Management
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP

Allen Pu, PhD, CFA
Deputy Head of Portfolio Management
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP

Will Collins-Dean, CFA
Senior Portfolio Manager
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP

Joe Hohn
Senior Portfolio Manager
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP
“Dimensional” refers to the Dimensional separate but affiliated entities generally, rather than to one particular entity.
Vert's Partnership Model
We partner with leading providers to build robust investment portfolios.

ETF Trust
Scale and efficiency for Custody, Accounting, Administration & Transfer Agency

Decades of experience and 24 hour trading capabilities across all global regions
Original thought leadership and ongoing empirical research