Host Hotels & Resorts (Host Inc.)
“We implement green building technologies and practices that reduce operating expenses, create economic value and drive investor returns.” — Host1
Bethesda, Maryland
Market Cap
USD $13.8 billion
Company History
Incorporated in 1993
Became a REIT in 1998
114 around the globe
Green Building Certifications
3 LEED Certified Properties
Total Sq. Ft.
54 million sq. ft.
*Data as of December 31, 2017.

Revenue by Brand3
Marriott: 38%
Westin: 13%
Sheraton: 6%
Ritz-Carlton: 6%
JW Marriott: 5%
W: 5%
Hyatt: 8%
AccorHotels: 4%
Hilton: 4%
Independent: 3%
Geographic Breakdown3
West: 27%
Mid-Atlantic / Southeast: 26%
Central: 13%
Northeast: 12%
International: 7%
Who is Host Hotels & Resorts?
If you travel for work or pleasure and have stayed in a Marriott, Hyatt or Sheraton property, you might have stayed in a Host property. Did you know that hotel brands don’t necessarily own the hotel building? Host Hotels & Resorts is one of the largest lodging REITs that owns luxury and upscale hotel properties featuring recognizable hotel operators such as the W and The Westin. The majority of Host’s properties are located in central business districts of major cities, near airports and in resort/conference destinations. They work with each hotel tenant to improve the building, furnishings, and the overall hospitality experience.
Sustainability Initiatives
Host’s sustainability initiatives have C-Suite oversight. The company has taken a first-mover initiative to report annual energy consumption in the company’s 2016 10-K.4 Sustainability is integrated into assessing acquisitions and improving the building performance of existing properties to lower operating costs.Over the past five years, Host invested $24.2 million in energy and water saving projects which include LED lighting, in-room energy management systems, water saving fixtures and efficient boilers and chillers.5
Over an 8-year period from 2008 to 2016:
Greenhouse Gas Emissions – Reduced greenhouse gas emissions of 27% per sq. ft.
Energy – Reduced energy use by 14% per sq. ft.
Water – Reduced water consumption by 21% per occupied room.
Looking Forward:
Targets for 2020:
Greenhouse Gas Emissions – Reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 25% per sq ft.
Energy – Reduce energy use by 15% per sq ft.
Water – Reduce water consumption by 25% per occupied room.
Waste – Divert waste from at least 50% of major renovation projects.
Recent Awards

Dow Jones Sustainability Index North America 2017

Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark 2017 Green Star

NAREIT Leader in the Light Award For Lodging/Resorts
Property Spotlight
Hyatt Regency Maui is the first resort in Hawaii to achieve LEED® Silver EBOM status (LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance). The hotel is partly powered by solar photovoltaic rooftop systems. Low flow water fixtures and non-turf landscaping conserve water. Additionally, the weather-based irrigation system recycles water use on the property. Guests are encouraged to recycle. The hotel received the Hyatt Thrive Leadership Award for excellence in Environmental Sustainability in 2016.
1 Host Hotels & Resorts (2017) “Corporate Responsibility: Responsible Investment.” Available from
2 Host Hotels & Resorts is 2.54% of the Vert Global Sustainable Real Estate Fund (VGSRX) as of December 31, 2017.
3 Revenue by Brand and Geographic Breakdown sourced from Host Hotels & Resorts (2017) Host Inc “2016 10K” as of February 20, 2017 and Host Hotels & Resorts (2017) Investor Presentation, April 2017.
4 Host Hotels & Resorts (2017) Host Inc “2016 10K” as of February 20, 2017.
5 Host Hotels & Resorts (2017) Investor Presentation, April 2017.
Please refer to the Prospectus for full risk disclosures. All data as of December 31, 2017 and subject to change daily.