Sam interviewed on TD Ameritrade 2022

Interview Investing in ESG and Real Estate with VGSRX 2022 Investing in ESG and Real Estate with VGSRX Sam Adams, CEO, Vert Asset Management, discusses the fund with Market On Close host Oliver Renick. He focuses on companies that can figure out how to make money from their sustainability initiatives.


TheIMPACT Show on FINTECH.TV Sam Adams speaks with ThIMPACT about real estate investing in this new era of increasing climate risk. Sam covers: Real Estate’s surprisingly large impact on people and planet. Climate risk and how to measure it. How to protect buildings and communities. Encouraging companies to do better through effective engagement.

How does the diversity, equity, and inclusion show up in real estate?

How does the diversity, equity, and inclusion show up in real estate? Gary Pivo, Professor at University of Arizona, talks about board composition and the overall success of REITs. Diversity, equity and inclusion shows up in real estate development drawing a fine line between urban revitalization and fair housing practices.

What’s next for sustainability and real estate?

What’s next for sustainability and real estate? Franz Fuerst, Professor at University of Cambridge, talks about approaches to decarbonization and a net-zero future. Sam Adams, CEO of Vert Asset Management, discusses developments in physical climate risk data and companies’ mitigation responses.

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